Latin New York
Archives #04
Pencil and gouache, New York, 1975
The look of 1975
New York, 1975
Kellie Everts
Cut-up transparency, New York, 1976
Kellie Everts
Cut-up transparency, New York, 1976
42nd Street
Painted photo, New York, 1978
Sex shop
Painted photo, New York, 1978
Sex shop
Pencil and coloured pencils on paper, New York, 1978
Sex shop
Painted photo, New York, 1978
Sex shop
New York, New York, 1978
42nd Street, sex shop
Pencil on paper, New York, 1978
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1975
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1975
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1975
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1975
Williamsburg, Brooklyn, 1975
Four ethnic groups: Hispanics
Williamsburg, 1975
Four ethnic groups: Whites
Boston, 1975
Four ethnic groups: Blacks
Watts, 1975
Four ethnic groups: Gays
New York, 1975
The Hugues Brothers
New York, 1975
The Hugues Brothers
New York, 1975